Today I was sorting though some things in my sewing machine drawers, and this old,yellowed piece of paper came to my eyes- I picked it up carefully, and found it was a poem my Mom (Grandma Casemier) had cut out....she and I liked to save poems....and I guess this one ended up in the drawer instead of the I will share itwith you...
"I plant my watermelons on Good Friday," she said,
"And my peas three days after the full moon.
Iwill have bucketsfullof peas by June,
And wagonloads of melons when July's sun is red.
There is a time to plant she said.
There is a time to plant good habits and ideals
In children's minds. Don't go beyond their spring
Or there will be no fruitful blossoming.
Watch for the hour when reason's first light steals,
and then plant high ideals.
(by Anne Campbell)
I think of my children , my grand-children and great-grand-children and hope they will always have high ideals planted in them by their Dad's and Mom's. I have seen some very good 'shoots' in them already. But they just grow up too fast!
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